Monday, November 13, 2006

Twinklin H20's

Okay lovin these little guys! I've heard Gen and Tara talking about them buthave been avoiding them.... well not true just didn't have anything I want to do with them. Now I can't stop LOL...

Pears: I used Buttercup and Oliver Vine.

Leaves: Spiced Pumpkin, Indian Copper and Olive Vine.

We're having Craig and Ginny over for Brunch this morning for Miller toast! Then Tara will come over and we'll will be factories of all things great.

Signing off with a picture of my boys.....


Tara said...

Hmm... Buttercup & Olive Vine, you say? Hmm... wonder who (ie. which ever-so-helpful-and-friendly- M&M store employee) found those colours for you? Hmm...

They look great in all of those colours!

Anonymous said...

LOVELY! I am jealous of your skiils. And that is the cutest picture of your guys :)

Kelli said...

Those tiles look great. I've yet to try the H2O's but I can tell my time is coming!

Dawn said...

Love the fridge magnets.
Want the fridge magnets.
Can you show me how to make the FM's?
Or, would you like to gift wrap them and just give them to me??? I've been good.

(not convinced, eh?)

OK, just show me one of these days, would ya?

oh yes, handsome couchmen as well!