Tuesday, April 17, 2007

Baby Steps

Well I've been taking a few baby steps with my journey of organized and clean house. At first I was REALLY overwhelmed and wanted instant gratifications, but with my Mom's help and some time (and better sleeps!) I'm feeling better.

I went back to the FLYlady website. Gotta love that place. But again I want it all and right now. So I have to talk myself down and remind myself of the babysteps!

Last night I put away Ryan and Carson's laundry (of course left mine!), shined my sink, emptied my bedside drawer full of NOTHING people absolute JUNK!!!!! And we are short SPACE in our house so this is a VITAL thing! Oh yeah I threw away 7 belts and 6 pairs of shorts. AND then I made myself go to bed and read a FUNG SHUI book I found in my clean up process on Sunday!

and I PUT AWAY MY WORK CLOTHES I flung on the bed when I got home! LOL

so my last little babystep I'm very excited about is I joined a RUNNING CLINIC that starts tomorrow and I'm super excited to have a partner in crime!

Can we fix it YES WE CAN!


Anonymous said...

Heyyy Twinnie!! I still crack up over how many things we have in common... so I find myself laughing at your unorganized house. I am SO that way too! It drives me nuts. I really need to figure out how to straighten up this tiny hole I live in, LOL!! Good to catch up with you... I'm off to find pics of C. :-)

Dawn said...

Good for you on the home stuff, and AWESOME! on the running... you're going to be so proud of yourself... I'll join you guys on one of your runs!


Info Goddess said...

I'm impressed Audrey - You go girl!

Kelli said...

Great job. I tried the flylady stuff for a short time, I need some program to remind me to check the site more.

Cheryl said...

Flylady is awesome! (except I can't get past the wearing shoes in the house, especially tie shoes).

I can't wait until tomorrow!

Heather said...

YOU GO GIRL! This is FAB for you! I don't think I know anyone who doesn't want to be more organized. Ok, maybe my Mother-in-Law. But, good on ya'! And the runnig, WOW!